Monday, 29 July 2013

Welcome to Scribble City Central!

If you've just stumbled over this blog, there's lots to read for myth lovers, writers and people who are generally interested in the world of books. Please feel free to explore, but I've put some links below to get you started.  I'm locked away writing a novel right now, which involves lots of tricky ancient history research and general apply-bum-to-seat-and-get-on-with-it stuff, so I may be absent for a while. However, I'll post any interesting news and developments here as and when they happen, and for my latest thoughts on writing, you can find me over at An Awfully Big Blog Adventure on the 19th of every month. Meanwhile, have fun delving into the world of Scribble City!

Why not click on my blog series of

Or investigate some of my eccentric

Are you a poetry fan?  If so, have a look at

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Blog Design by Imagination Designs all images from the Before the First Snow kit by Lorie Davison